Digital/Electronic Design -
General electronic circuit and high speed digital design, including PCB physical design. We have experience with dense SMT designs, large BGA devices (1500+ pins), and PCB layer counts up 20 layers.
Wireless and IOT Design -
We have experience with "light weight, low cost" IOT data gathering application. Technologies implemented include ARM CPU, RF devices (ISM, WiFi, BLE, GPS), LTE data modems, antenna implementation and tuning, compliance and certifications (FCC, PTCRB).
Fast Prototyping -
We have experience with quick PCB fabrication and assembly, as well as the use of 3D printing and CNC machining technologies. This allows us to quickly produce prototypes of your product. We also have experience with bed of nails testers and software scripts for verification of PCBs.
FPGA Design -
VHDL, Verilog, IP development for Altera® FPGA devices. We utilize Altera Quartus II for this service. Dallas Logic is an Altera® Design Services Network partner.
Schematic/PCB Layout -
We can provide schematic capture and PCB layout of your project using Altium Designer by Altium. We also have access to Mentor Expedition and Pads, and are experienced with Mentor Boardstation. Standard delivery file set includes CAD schematic files, CAD PCB layout files, PCB gerber files, schematic pdf file, PCB assembly pdf file, and BOM xls file.
Software/Firmware -
C#: test framework implementation, UI development, control automation, Windows client/server application. Perl: Test data generation, data extraction, PostgreSQL database. C/Embedded C: Altera Nios II firmware and drivers, client/server development, proprietary algorithms. ARM/SoC: Custom u-boot and pre-loader, kernel driver, embedded Linux applications, Android interfacing.
Design Portfolio -
The images below preview the design files for a small wireless gateway device. Some of our other designs include: BLE/LTE based tool tracker, ISM band data sensor network transceivers, Cellular base station RF transceiver, IC tester for production line testing, VLSI ASIC verification PCBs, High Speed ADC/DAC FMC mezzanine card, Production line bed of nails tester, and too many more to list.