What FPGA products do you support?
We have development systems for Xilinx® and Altera® FPGAs and support these devices. We also have experience with Lattice® products.
What EDA software do you use?
Schematic/PCB – Altium Designer by Altium Inc.
FPGA Design – Quartus II by Altera®, and ISE by Xilinx®.
Mechanical Design – Alibre CAD, and Rhinoceros 3D.
How can I view the design files you provide?
We translate all of our schematics and drawing files to .pdf drawings which you can open and view with Adobe's Acrobat viewer. The gerber files (used for manufacture) can be viewed with a gerber viewer such as GCprevue from Graphicode, Inc. The original schematic/PCB design files can be viewed with freeware (or viewer) versions of the design tools.
How can I update the design files you provide?
We can make revisions to design files for you. Alternately, you can make revisions if you have access to the specific EDA tool.
How can I view and check the gerber files you provide?
Download the free GCprevue gerber viewer available from www.graphicode.com
How are the gerber files which you generate checked before fabrication of the PCB?
We use a program called GCprevue to visually inspect the gerber files before fabrication by the PCB vendor. Also the PCB vendor will run a program like Dowstream Technologies CAM350 DFF (design for fabrication) sofware to check the gerber against their specific manufacturing capabilities. We design to their manufacturing capabilities to start with, but the DFF verification software does a secondary check.
How can I update the design files you provide?
We can make revisions to design files for you. Alternately, you can make revisions if you have access to the specific EDA tool.
What software tools do you use and support?
Eclipse IDE, Visual Studio, Altera SOPC, Altera QSYS, GNU GCC compiler, embedded compilers.